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Mexican/Canadian sisters Nina and Emma (8 & 6 yrs old) chat about the world, their lives, interview cool guests and share their likes, ideas and dreams straight from their uninterrupted minds. <— Our Dad wrote this description btw.
Check out our episodes on the Apple Podcasts player above, on each episode page below where you can find more info, or on your favourite podcast player app. Don’t forget to subscribe!
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Thank you for listening!
Nina and Emma.
¡Dientes dientes dientes! (S01 E006 Entrevista)
¡Dientes dientes dientes! Bienvenidos a nuestro sexto episodio de Nina and Emma’s World Podcast! ¿Cómo se cepillan los dientes? ¿Es padre ser Dentista? ¿Qué es una caries? En este episodio Nina y Emma platican de sus experiencias cuidándose los dientes y entrevistan a la Dra. Melissa Falcón (Cirujano Dentista con Maestría en Ciencias Odontológicas con Especialidad en Endodoncia) que les comparte información super importante de como cuidar tu salud bucal. No se lo pueden perder! No se les olvide compartir y subscribirse a nuestro podcast. ¡Gracias!
10 Cool Facts Episode 2! Art Edition (S01 E005)
Welcome back to 10 cool facts (COOL FACTS!) with Nina and Emma on Nina and Emma's World Podcast! On this second, 10 cool facts episode (COOL FACTS!) Emma shares with us 10 cool facts (COOL FACTS!) about art, painting and being an artist. Our special guest Larissa Maxwell answers a very important question about being an artist and Emma asks his dad for 62 Million U.S. Dollars.
10 Cool Facts Episode 1! Space Edition (S01 E004)
Welcome back! Nina introduces us to a new Nina & Emma' World Podcast segment called 10 Cool Facts! In this episode, Nina shares with us 10 cool facts about space including cool facts about the moon Callisto, Jupiter, Mars and more! Don't forget to share and subscribe! COOL FACTS!